SexScripts : Translations (you can help !) - | Page 1 of 5 |
Translations (you can help !) |
doti [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:29 pm ] |
SexScripts supports internationalisation. I do apologize to our friends who have à right-to-left language, I'm not sure everything will do well. Two parts : Translate scripts Translate software |
Translate scripts |
doti [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:40 pm ] |
You may translate a script : 1 - Run SexScripts. 2 - Use menu>script>edit to open editor. 3 - Use Open... to open a script. 4 - Change the text inside (warning, do not delete or add quotes). 5 - In the first line, "setInfo(...)", update the 7th parameter, using the 2-letter code of the new language. See ISO-936-1, examples : ar, de, en, es, fr, jp, ru, zh. 5 - Check it (Check button), it will fail if some quotes are not well balanced. 6 - Save it under the name script_lang.groovy, where "script" is the original name, and "lang" is the 2-letter code above. For example, "intro_de.groovy". 7 - If the licence permit it (usually at the end of the script), publish it (see the user documentation). Thank you. |
Translate software |
doti [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:46 pm ] |
You may propose a translation of SexScripts here. This translation will be used when someone launch SexScripts with a computer associated to the chosen language. 1 - Click below "Quote" to reply to this message ; delete this introduction 2 - Edit the text (only at the right of "=" symbols). When it contains "%s", "%d"..., that means that this code will be replaced by a real text, so do not delete it. "\n" are carriage returns. 3 - Put your name, if you want, instead of "/", for "translator=" (at the end). 4 - Set as title or your message the name of the language, and click "Submit". 5 - It will be added in the next release of SexScripts ! Thank you English base (updated 150615) : Code: about=SexScripts, %s\nYour release : %s, last release on : %s\n\Translator : %s\nLast script author : %s
closing_save=Save changes ? cybermistress.ext_descr=CyberMistress script file cybermistress.mistress=your mistress information about script here editor.replace_with=Replace %s with editor.replaced=Replaced %d times error=Error %s error.version=Warning : script want API version %d, but yours is %s.\nYou should probably update SexScripts (go to, download and overwrite your current installation).\nScript will now continue. groovy_ext_descr=Groovy Script File import.ok=Imported successfully from website (%d scripts).\nYou can now open this script. import.url=Enter URL of .ZIP file (then please wait) menu.about=About... menu.autocopy=Autocopy to clipboard menu.check=Check menu.check.tooltip=Check this script for syntaxic (basic) errors menu.close=Close menu.copy=Copy menu.cut=Cut menu.cybermistress=CyberMistress import menu.edit=Edit menu.exit=Exit menu.file=File menu.import=Import from URL... menu.mensclothes=Mens clothes... menu.milovana=Milovana import menu.onlinehelp=Online help... menu.options=Options menu.paste=Paste menu.picturegallery=Picture Gallery Import menu.publish=Publish.. menu.redo=Redo typing menu.replace=Replace... menu.reset=Reset menu.save_as=Save As... menu.script=Script menu.speed=Speed menu.speed.slow=Slow menu.speed.normal=Normal menu.speed.faster=Faster menu.undo=Undo Typing menu.womensclothes=Womens clothes... milovana.delay=Do you want a timed pause between transitions (instead of buttons) ? milovana.please_wait=Please click then wait (10s to 10mn) milovana.rights=Please make sure you do not infrige any law in creating or distributing this script. milovana.url=Source URL missing=Missing file : %s parsing.end=End parsing - estimated median time : %d min parsing.error=Error in simulation (maybe not a real error) %s parsing.start=Start parsing parsing.stopped=End parsing - but simulation aborted publish.files_intro=Those files will be published in a script named "%s".\nPlease update this list now. Then click on [OK] and wait. publish.ok=Success. You may send it back again when you want to. publish.please_run=You must run or check your script before publishing. Useful files will be detected during this execution. publish.save_resource_list=Save as comment in the first .groovy file, for future automatic use here (this checkbox is disabled if there's already such a /* Resources */ comment) title=SexScripts translator=/ warning.interrupt=Warning, this will interrupt and close the current script ! |
Spanish Translation (Español) |
wololo [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:06 pm ] |
Quote: Code: about=SexScripts, 2011\nFecha de tu versión : %s, última versión en : %s\n\Traductor : %s\nAutor del último script : %s closing_save=Guardar cambios ? cybermistress.ext_descr=archivo script de CyberMistress cybermistress.mistress=Tu Ama información sobre el script aquí error=Error %s error.version=Advertencia : el script quiere la API con versión %d, pero la tuya es la %s.\nProbablemente deberías actualizar SexScripts (visita, descarga y sobreescribe tu instalación actual).\nAhora el script continuará. groovy_ext_descr=archivo Script en Groovy import.ok=Se ha importado con éxito desde el website.\nAhora puedes abrir este script. import.url=Introduce la URL del archivo .ZIP (y después espera por favor) menu.about=Acerca... menu.check=Comprobar menu.check.tooltip=Comprueba los errores sintácticos (básicos) de este script. menu.close=Cerrar menu.copy=Copiar menu.cut=Cortar menu.cybermistress=Importar de CyberMistress menu.edit=Editar menu.exit=Salir menu.file=Archivo menu.import=Importar desde una URL... menu.mensclothes=Ropa de hombre... menu.milovana=Importar de Milovana menu.options=Opciones menu.paste=Pegar menu.publish=Publicar... menu.redo=Rehacer escribir menu.reset=Resetear menu.save_as=Guardar como... menu.script=Script menu.speed=Velocidad menu.speed.slow=Lenta menu.speed.normal=Normalápida menu.speed.faster=Muy rápida menu.undo=Deshacer escribir menu.womensclothes=Ropa de mujer... milovana.delay=Quieres una pausa de algún tiempo entre las transiciones (en lugar de un botón) ? milovana.please_wait=Entonces escoge la espera por favor (10s hasta 10mn) milovana.rights=Por favor, asegúrate de que no estás incumpliendo ninguna ley al crear y distribuir este script. milovana.url=URL Fuente missing=Archivo no encontrado : %s parsing.end=Análisis sintáctico finalizado parsing.start=Empezando análisis sintáctico publish.files_intro=Estos archivos serán publicados en un script llamado "%s".\nPor favor, actualiza esta lista ahora. Entonces haz click en [Aceptar] y espera. publish.ok=Se ha publicado con éxito. Puedes volver a enviarlo otra vez cuando quieras. publish.please_run=Debes guardar y ejecutar tu script antes de publicarla. Los archivos útiles para tu script se detectarán durante esta ejecución. title=SexScripts translator=Wololo warning.interrupt=Advertencia, esto interrumpirá el script que se está ejecutando actualmente! |
Re: Translate software |
88888888 [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:30 pm ] |
Some things to possible improve this translation: I used the loose/friendly translation of you (jij) and not the polite from (U). Programs like word use the polite form ('U') however, I thought 'jij' was more appropriate for this program since it is more personal. What are useful files? What is meant by : 'You may send it back again when you want to' what is parsing? Did I indeed do good when replacing Sexscripts with 'Nederlands'? Dutch: Code: about=SexScripts, %s\nJouw versie : %s, Laatste versie op : %s\n\Translator : %s\nAuteur laatste script: %s closing_save=Wijzigingen opslaan ? cybermistress.ext_descr=CyberMistress script bestand cybermistress.mistress=Jouw meesteres informatie over het script hier. editor.replace_with=Vervang %s met editor.replaced= %d keer vervangen. error=Error %s error.version=Waarschuwing : Script vereist API versie %d, maar heeft %s gevonden.\nJe moet waarschijnlijk SexScripts updaten (ga naar, download en vervang je huidige installatie).\nScript zal nu verdergaan. groovy_ext_descr=Groovy Script Bestand import.ok=Succesvol geïmporteerd van de website (%d scripts).\nJe kan nu het script openen. import.url=Voer de URL van het .ZIP bestand in (een moment alstublieft) menu.about=Over... menu.check=Controleren menu.check.tooltip=Controleer dit script voor syntax (basis) errors menu.close=Afsluiten menu.copy=Kopiëren menu.cut=Knippen menu.cybermistress=CyberMistress import menu.edit=Bewerken menu.exit=Exit menu.file=Bestand menu.import=Importeer vanaf URL... menu.mensclothes=Mannen kleding... menu.milovana=Milovana import menu.options=Opties menu.paste=Plakken menu.publish=Publiceren menu.redo=Opnieuw typen menu.replace=Vervangen... menu.reset=Reset menu.save_as=Opslaan Als... menu.script=Script menu.speed=Snelheid menu.speed.slow=Langzaam menu.speed.normal=Normaal menu.speed.faster=Sneller menu.undo=Typen ongedaan maken menu.womensclothes=Vrouwen kleding... milovana.delay=Wil je een getimede pauze tussen transities (in plaats van een knop) ? milovana.please_wait=Klik en dan wacht (10 sec tot 10 min) milovana.rights=Zorg ervoor dat je geen wetten breekt door het creëren of distribueren van dit script. milovana.url=Bron URL missing=Missend bestand : %s parsing.end=Beëindig analyse parsing.start=Begin analyse publish.files_intro=Deze bestanden zullen worden gepubliceerd in een script genaamd "%s".\nUpdate de lijst nu. Klik dan op [OK] en wacht. publish.ok=Geslaagd. Je kan de bestanden herpubliceren wanneer je wil. publish.please_run=Voor het publiceren, moet je het bestand opslaan en controleren. Voor publicatie bruikbare bestanden zullen gedetecteerd worden tijdens de uitvoering. title=SexScripts translator=88888888 warning.interrupt=Waarschuwing, Dit zal het huidige bestand onderbreken en sluiten ! 010113 : edit by Doti from 0385 |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
doti [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:16 am ] |
Thank you ! I agree with the jij/U thing. "useful files" : files that are published "'You may send it back again when you want to'" : message shown after publish process, saying that the publishing can be done again anytime "parsing" : analysing, the script writers may click the "check" button, and it will parse the script Quote: Did I indeed do good when replacing Sexscripts with 'Nederlands'? Well, no, it is the title
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
88888888 [ Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:37 am ] |
thank you, I edited the original post to include the answers (and the correct title ![]() |
Re: Translate software |
cw3211025 [ Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:54 pm ] |
Thanks for providing such a good thing. I translate it into Simplified Chinese. But some words I don't understand well, such as: parse, and simulation. Quote: Code: about=色脚本, %s\n 发行版本 : %s, 上次在 发行 : %s\n\翻译 : %s\n上一脚本作者 : %s closing_save=保存修改 ? cybermistress.ext_descr=CyberMistress 脚本文件 cybermistress.mistress=女主人在此查看脚本信息 editor.replace_with=使用 %s 替换 editor.replaced=替换 %d 次 error=错误 %s error.version=警告:脚本需要 API 版本 %d, 你的版本是 %s.\n你需要更新“色脚本”程序 (请前往, 下载并更新).\nScript will now continue. groovy_ext_descr=Groovy 脚本文件 import.ok=以下脚本从网站导入成功: (%d scripts).\n你现在可以打开此脚本. import.url=从.ZIP file文件导入链接 (然后请等候) menu.about=关于... menu.check=检查 menu.check.tooltip=检查脚本语法错误 menu.close=关闭 menu.copy=拷贝 menu.cut=剪切 menu.cybermistress=CyberMistress 导入 menu.edit=编辑 menu.exit=退出 menu.file=文件帮助 menu.import=从链接导入URL... menu.mensclothes=男性服装... menu.milovana=Milovana 导入新建 menu.onlinehelp=在线帮助...打开...打开 menu.options=选项 menu.paste=粘贴 menu.publish=发布.. menu.redo=重做 menu.replace=替换... menu.reset=重置保存保存 menu.save_as=另存为... menu.script=脚本寻找 menu.speed=速度 menu.speed.slow=低速 menu.speed.normal=正常快速 menu.speed.faster=超快玩具... menu.undo=恢复 menu.womensclothes=女性服装... milovana.delay=需要停顿时间吗(而不是按钮)? milovana.please_wait=请按键,然后等候 (10秒 到 10分钟) milovana.rights=请确保在制作和发布此脚本时没有违反任何法律. milovana.url=来源地址 missing=缺失文件 : %s parsing.end=解析完成-预计需要时间 : %d 分钟 parsing.start=开始解析 parsing.stopped=解析完成 - 试运行退出 publish.files_intro=文件将以 "%s" 脚本名发布。\n 请更新列表。点击 [OK] 并等待 publish.ok=发布成功。需要时可以发回。 publish.please_run=在发布前请检查测试你的脚本。执行过程中将检测需要用到的文件 publish.save_resource_list=为将来自动使用,将存为第一个.groovy文件的评论。 (如果已经有/* Resource */评论,此选项将废止) title=色脚本 translator=CW warning.interrupt=警告,将中止目前的脚本! |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
doti [ Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:33 pm ] |
To parse is to read with depth, the editor does it to check for errors. The simulation is the part of it where the editor is trying the script itself, as if it was a real user, to check more for error. You didn't put yourself as the translator - you don't want to be in it, want to be anonymous ? (no problem with that) |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
cw3211025 [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:40 am ] |
My guese for "parse" and "simulation" are correct then. I put my initial CW as translator. And below please find the traditional chinese version. Quote: Code: about=色腳本, %s\n 發行版本 : %s, 上次在 發行 : %s\n\翻譯 : %s\n上一腳本作者 : %s closing_save=保存修改 ? cybermistress.ext_descr=CyberMistress 腳本文件 cybermistress.mistress=女主人在此查看腳本信息 editor.replace_with=使用 %s 替換 editor.replaced=替換 %d 次 error=錯誤 %s error.version=警告:腳本需要 API 版本 %d, 你的版本是 %s.\n你需要更新“色腳本”程序 (請前往, 下載并更新).\nScript will now continue. groovy_ext_descr=Groovy 腳本文件 import.ok=以下腳本從網站導入成功: (%d scripts).\n你現在可以打開此腳本. import.url=從.ZIP file文件導入鏈接 (然后請等候) menu.about=關于... menu.check=檢查 menu.check.tooltip=檢查腳本語法錯誤 menu.close=關閉 menu.copy=拷貝 menu.cut=剪切 menu.cybermistress=CyberMistress 導入 menu.edit=編輯 menu.exit=退出 menu.file=文件幫助 menu.import=從鏈接導入URL... menu.mensclothes=男性服裝... menu.milovana=Milovana 導入新建 menu.onlinehelp=在線幫助...打開...打開 menu.options=選項 menu.paste=粘貼 menu.publish=發布.. menu.redo=重做 menu.replace=替換... menu.reset=重置保存保存 menu.save_as=另存為... menu.script=腳本尋找 menu.speed=速度 menu.speed.slow=低速 menu.speed.normal=正常快速 menu.speed.faster=超快玩具... menu.undo=恢復 menu.womensclothes=女性服裝... milovana.delay=需要停頓時間嗎(而不是按鈕)? milovana.please_wait=請按鍵,然后等候 (10秒 到 10分鐘) milovana.rights=請確保在制作和發布此腳本時沒有違反任何法律. milovana.url=來源地址 missing=缺失文件 : %s parsing.end=解析完成-預計需要時間 : %d 分鐘 parsing.start=開始解析 parsing.stopped=解析完成 - 試運行退出 publish.files_intro=文件將以 "%s" 腳本名發布。\n 請更新列表。點擊 [OK] 并等待 publish.ok=發布成功。需要時可以發回。 publish.please_run=在發布前請檢查測試你的腳本。執行過程中將檢測需要用到的文件 publish.save_resource_list=為將來自動使用,將存為第一個.groovy文件的評論。 (如果已經有/* Resource */評論,此選項將廢止) title=色腳本 translator=CW warning.interrupt=警告,將中止目前的腳本! |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
doti [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:35 pm ] |
First of all, thaks a lot. Then, I need some insight, as I'm not an expert on the field : SexScripts is in Java, where each language has a small code (ex : "en") and perhaps a full code with the country (ex : "en_US"). for chinese, I could see some people considering traditional chinese = zh_TW and simplified chinese = zh_CN, so separating this by countries (Taiwan and China). Is this right ? |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
cw3211025 [ Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:18 pm ] |
Exactly, you are right. doti wrote: First of all, thaks a lot.
Then, I need some insight, as I'm not an expert on the field : SexScripts is in Java, where each language has a small code (ex : "en") and perhaps a full code with the country (ex : "en_US"). for chinese, I could see some people considering traditional chinese = zh_TW and simplified chinese = zh_CN, so separating this by countries (Taiwan and China). Is this right ? |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
doti [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:52 pm ] |
Ok, thanks. It'll be in the next release, today. I made a technical correction (place of translator) |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
0385 [ Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:08 pm ] |
In the dutch translation by 88888888888888, under publish.please_run: the word 'uitvoeren' (run) should be 'controleren' (check) |
Re: Translations (you can help !) |
markdomx [ Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:03 pm ] |
ITALIAN about=SexScripts, %s\nYour release : %s, last release on : %s\n\Translator : %s\nLast script author : %s closing_save=Salvare I cambiamenti ? cybermistress.ext_descr=CyberMistress script file cybermistress.mistress=your mistress sullo script editor.replace_with=Sostituisci %s con… editor.replaced=Sostituito %d volte error=Error %s error.version=Attenzione : lo script necessita di API version %d, ma la tua e %s.\nE necessaio aggiornare SexScripts (, effettua il download e sovrascrivi l’installazione corrente).\nLo script prosegue ora. groovy_ext_descr=Groovy Script File import.ok=Importato dal sito (%d scripts).\nE possible aprire lo script. import.url=Inserisci URL del file .ZIP (e attendere) menu.about=Informazioni su... menu.autocopy=Copia nella clipboard menu.check=Check menu.check.tooltip=Verifica lo script per gli errori di sintassi menu.close=Chiusi menu.copy=Copia menu.cut=Taglia menu.cybermistress=Importa da CyberMistress menu.edit=Edit menu.exit=Esci menu.file=File menu.import=Importa da URL... menu.mensclothes=Abiti maschili... menu.milovana=Importa da Milovana menu.onlinehelp=Aiuto Online... menu.options=Opzioni menu.paste=Incolla menu.picturegallery=Importazione Immagini menu.publish=Pubblica.. menu.redo=Redo typing menu.replace=Sostitisci... menu.reset=Reset menu.save_as=Salva come... menu.script=Script menu.speed=Velocita menu.speed.slow=Lento menu.speed.normal=Normale menu.speed.faster=Molto Veloce menu.undo=Annulla menu.womensclothes=Abiti femminili... milovana.delay=Desideri una pausa temporizzata tra le transizioni (invece dei pulsanti) ? milovana.please_wait=Cliccare e attendere (da 10s a 10mn) milovana.rights=Assicurarsi di non infrangere alcuna legge con la creazione e la distribuzione di questo script. milovana.url=Source URL missing=Missing file : %s parsing.end=End parsing – tempo stimato : %d min parsing.start=Start parsing parsing.stopped=End parsing – simulazione abbandonata publish.files_intro=I files verranno pubblicati in uno script denominato "%s".\nPrego aggiorna la lista. Quindi cliccare su [OK] e attendere. publish.ok=Eseguito. E possible mandarlo indietro nuovamente se lo si desidera. publish.please_run=Eseguire e controllare lo script prima di pubblicarlo. L’usabilità verrà verificata durante questa esecuzione. publish.save_resource_list=Salva come commento nel primo file .groovy , per future impostazioni automatiche qui (questa checkbox è disattivata se esiste già come /* Resources */ comment) title=SexScripts translator=/ warning.interrupt=Attenzione, questo interromperà e chiuderà lo script corrente ! – Per info: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=193#sthash.YKC9fn1v.dpuf |
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