SexScripts : Estim Pleasure Audio - Page 1 of 1

Estim Pleasure Audio

taylors1643 [ Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:57 pm ]


My never ending script is still ongoing and I'm looking to add an estim tease option as well as pain shocks.

This is something I don't have much experience with so looking for advice.

1. How long does it typically take to edge to a pleasurable Estim audio file?
2. Where can I find some pleasurable audio files? existing scripts? preferably long but I can loop if needed.
3. Would you prefer the option to add your own files under the file name 1,2,3 etc?
4. I haven't really figured out how to calibrate the device for both pleasure and pain, any ideas? My concern is if it's on the penis and I calibrate for pleasure the pain might be unbearable and vice versa if I calibrate for pain the please might be non existent?


Re: Estim Pleasure Audio

tamachan81 [ Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:55 pm ]

Hi Steve,

My never ending script is still ongoing and I'm looking to add an estim tease option as well as pain shocks.

Nice goal, i'm currently building an estim script too so perhaps we can help each other ?

This is something I don't have much experience with so looking for advice.

You mean scripting or stiming ?

1. How long does it typically take to edge to a pleasurable Estim audio file?

Pretty tricky question here , estim will greatly be different with each person and setup used, what will work for you can be useless or pretty painfull for others

2. Where can I find some pleasurable audio files? existing scripts? preferably long but I can loop if needed.

You can check some specific estim forum on internet , they will have a lot of them like or smartstim in english ( not sure of the correct spelling)
perhaps specify the device you will use , some files will work best with device like erostek , others for 2B or even dyi box

3. Would you prefer the option to add your own files under the file name 1,2,3 etc?

why not both ? yours and the possibility for the end user to specify his ?

4. I haven't really figured out how to calibrate the device for both pleasure and pain, any ideas? My concern is if it's on the penis and I calibrate for pleasure the pain might be unbearable and vice versa if I calibrate for pain the please might be non existent?

you can play with the output volume of the speaker to generate more tease / pain , change between pleasurable file and pain one , change with the help of software the frequency , latency and other parameters ?

you can give the possibilit to the player to calibrate himself time intensity audio file tempo so it can be looping with different setup depending of his mood

i hope it will help you ^_^

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