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 Tag reference and explanations
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:23 pm 
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Here are 35 common tags. Always in lowercase like below.
* ai
* anal : plugs, etc.
* bondage
* celebrity
* chores : induce doing chores
* estim : electronical stimulation with some specialized devices
* exhibition
* extreme : uncommonly dangerous or distasteful
* feet
* femaledom
* fitness : include some physical movements
* forcouple : need at least 2 persons
* forfemale
* formale
* game
* gay (user being a man or not)
* hair
* humiliation
* internet : will use internet access (reaching another website, sending a mail, etc.)
* lesbian (user being a woman or not)
* long : let's say more than 2h
* maledom
* mystical : astral body, transcendental...
* options : change some options used by other scripts
* pain
* resource : contains only some pictures, etc. used by other scripts
* scat : about feces
* sequel : this follows another script, that should be run before (names should be related)
* shopping : may require some shopping
* spanking
* sperm : typically ingestion
* test : script is a test (for a developper)
* toys : use some toys
* transgender : generally crossdressing
* urine

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 Re: Tag reference and explanations
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:33 am 
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How about 'spanking'? :P

Also, maybe a tag for 'tease' or guided masturbation (specifically)?

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 Re: Tag reference and explanations
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:54 pm 
Site Admin
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I though "spanking" would be included in "pain". No ? (time for a survey ?) Anyway you can add in your script any custom tag, it will be showed.

I'm not sure about "tease" also ; perhaps the opposite, a special tag where there is no masturbation ?

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 Re: Tag reference and explanations
PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:24 am 
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I'd definitely vote for 'spanking' as a separate tag to pain... since - for example - I'll take a really hard, long spanking but couldn't/wouldn't handle the same "level" of nipple or genital torture! :oops: By the same token, I'd probably suggest a specific "cbt" tag too, as some love it, some hate it.

I agree on 'tease'... I've been adding 'masturbation' to mine that have it, but maybe you're right on a "NO masturbation" type tag ('nocum'?) as well/instead (maybe for scripts that let you masturbate but will NEVER let you cum?).

Would 'femdom' and 'maledom' be useful tags? We already have 'formale' and 'forfemale' and 'gay' and 'lesbian'... but I wonder if 'femdom' + 'forfemale' in a script's tag would serve the same purpose as the latter, and allow clearer indication to the user what they were in for? That is, exactly what gender the dominant(s) will be, regardless of whether its a 'formale' or 'forfemale' script. 'gay' and 'lesbian' tags could be removed... or kept, for additional sorting (example = a 'lesbian', 'femdom', 'formale' script could feature two female dominants who play with each other as well as the player).

Other suggestions:

How about something along the lines of 'shopping' for scripts that require the player to go out and find/buy something specific (eg. a humiliation scenario where you are made to go and buy women's underwear from a lingerie store... here, just owning a pair of panties isn't enough!)? I know there are folks who enjoy being forced to spend money for a dominant, aside from that.

Would 'celebrity' be too specific a tag (for scripts involving a famous actor - for example - as the dominant/submissive in a fantasy)?

Remembering a few (terrifying!) CM routines... how about an 'outdoors' tag (e.g. for those requiring you to go into the back yard, etc.)

Given the script I'm working to revive right now... I'd like to have 'electro' or 'electricity' or something as a tag, too. 'estim' - I assume - refers to "nice" electrical masturbation devices, right? Well, I'm talking about things like electric flyswatters (ouch!) or a 9v battery directly to the penis (ouch!!!) which isn't the same thing in any way! :twisted: Probably need a tag as a warning for those with heart problems, at least (or who are wimps like me!).

The only other tag I could of think of (a more common one) missing might be 'ageplay' or maybe just 'roleplay' (or both)?

I know you probably don't want too many tags to make things confusing, but since the system is implemented, it would be really nice to be able to search by specific fetish/interest/limits with SexScript scripts, once there's a lot of them.

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 Re: Tag reference and explanations
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:49 am 
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I'm going to suggest the following new Tags be adopted:

utility (used for setups, tutorials, and other generally non-"game" scripts).

CD tray (automatically controls the CD trays on your computer; some people will want to know this ahead of time, for obvious reasons!).

Either silent or sound (only one is needed, the other is assumed; so that people who want/need a "silent" script to use in shared environments can feel safe, even if they can't turn off their speakers!).

configurable (lets the user know that even if this script includes tags they may not like - eg scat, cbt, sperm, anal - the author has made the script user-configurable so that at least some of them can be toggled on/off or avoided).

What do others think? Would these be useful when looking for a script to download/play?

The last one I feel might be especially useful, as often I am turned off a certain script because of one tag, but if I knew it was "optional" then I'd download and play anyway.

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